Featured Property - Kamuela Inn
Our Featured Property Series takes you behind-the-scenes to hear from people running a wide variety of lodging hosptiality businesses. We're sharing their stories, their successes, their hard-earned advice, and more.
This time we're excited to feature Melanie Holt, the owner of Kamuela Inn, located in Waimea, Hawaii.

Melanie Holt, Kamuela Inn
What's your title? Inn Owner
Describe your property in three words. Timeless Upcountry Charm
What's your property's most popular room/unit? Family-friendly Farmstay Cabins on the River
What's your busiest season? All year round!
What's the hidden gem at your property or in your area? There's a delightful Japanese Tea House in the back of the building, surrounded by a beautiful English and Hawaiian garden.
What's your favorite thing about working in hospitality? The wonderful relationships we have with our staff and guests.
Could you share how being a business owner has positively impacted your life/career? It's given me the opportunity to live out my dreams.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone interested in starting or running a business, what would you say? Trust your instincts, especially when hiring. Remember that the value of your business lies in keeping good staff.
Anything else you'd like to share? Always look for ways to improve, and invest in training your staff.
Special thanks goes out to Melanie for letting us feature Kamuela Inn and to her and her team for being Thinkers!
We look forward to helping you discover new ways to grow your business!
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